The argument in favor of using filler text goes something like this: If you use real content in the Consulting Process, anytime you reach a review point you’ll end up reviewing and negotiating the content itself and not the design.
Monitoring systems is an umbrella term for all types of devices for direct systematic recording (logging),
observation or monitoring of an operation or process using technical aids, sensors or other observation systems such as cameras.
The repeated implementation of measurements is a central element of the respective monitoring systems in
order to be able to draw conclusions based on results comparisons and to be able to react.
The function of the monitoring systems is to intervene to control an observed sequence or process or to issue an alarm
if this does not take the desired course or certain threshold values are fallen below or exceeded. Monitoring is therefore a special type of logging
in which many different types of parameters can be monitored by a monitoring system, such as humidity, temperature, shock, movement, water ingress and current strength.
Video surveillance is also an important part of many surveillance systems in order to better assess the situation at critical points.
IP-based monitoring systems are becoming more and more popular because they can be integrated and expanded quickly and easily, and can be used and configured with any commercially available computer.
Our technicians will be happy to advise you on the topic of monitoring systems.